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Requests are expressions of interest submitted by clinicians for available shifts. These requests indicate that the clinician is interested in being hired for a particular shift.

Key Points about Requests

  • License Validation:
    • Requests are only allowed from users with a valid license that matches the shift's license requirement (CNA, LPN, or RN).
  • Request Management:
    • Clinicians can remove their requests at any time until their request is accepted by the Facility User and they are scheduled for the shift.
    • Once a clinician is scheduled for a job, our system automatically removes all their other requests for shifts that overlap in time with the newly scheduled job.

Process Overview

  1. Submission:

    • Clinicians browse available shifts and submit requests for those they are interested in and qualified for.
  2. Validation:

    • Each request is validated to ensure the clinician holds a valid license matching the shift requirements.
  3. Review and Scheduling:

    • Facility Users review submitted requests and decide whether to schedule the clinician for the shift.
    • Upon scheduling, the clinician's other requests that conflict with the new shift's timeframe are automatically removed to avoid double-booking.

Get Requested Shifts Endpoint

The Get requested shift endpoint allows Facility Users to retrieve information about shifts for which clinicians have submitted requests.

  • Required Parameter:

    • facilityId: The ID of the facility for which you want to retrieve requested shifts.
  • Optional Parameters:

    • shiftId: Retrieve requests for a particular shift.
    • licenseType: Filter requests by the type of license (CNA, LPN, RN).
    • startDate: Filter requests by start date.
    • limit: Limit the maximum number of returned shifts.
    • sortDirection: Sort the returned shifts.
    • offset: Set the offset for pagination.

Response Structure

The response will include basic data about the requested shifts and details about the clinicians who submitted requests:

  • Shift Information:

    • shiftId : ID of the shift.
    • licenseType : License type required for the Shift.
    • facilityId : The ID of the facility.
    • from : Start date and time of the Shift.
    • to : End date and time of the Shift.
  • Clinician Information (Array):

    • id: Clinician's ID.
    • firstName: Clinician's first name.
    • lastName: Clinician's last name.
    • url: URL to download the full clinician profile in PDF format.