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Reject clinician's shift report



General Information

Rejects the Clinician's shift report

If you believe the clinician's shift report contains incorrect information, you can reject it and submit the values you believe are correct. After your report is submitted, a Nursa employee will determine the correct information.


Path Parameters

    shiftId stringrequired

    Nursa ShiftId

    Example: 8222234296


    reviewComment stringrequired

    Comment regarding the individual who worked on the shift

    rate numberrequired

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 5

    Rate the clinician from 1 to 5

    breakTime ISO 8601 durationrequired
    from date-timerequired
    to date-timerequired
    comment stringrequired

    General comment or feedback about the shift itself, including any incidents, issues, or noteworthy aspects

    bonus number

    monetary bonus to clinician


    data object
    breakTime ISO 8601 duration

    Break Time for the shift

    from date-timerequired

    Shift end date

    to date-timerequired

    Shift start date

    comment stringrequired

    Comment about how the clinician worked the shift

    completed booleanrequired
    createdAt date-timerequired

    Date the shift report was created

    shiftId stringrequired

    Id of the shift

    reportType stringrequired

    Possible values: [Nurse, Facility, Admin, AdminBilling]

    Type of the report

    totalAmount numberrequired

    Total price

    cancelationReason string

    Possible values: [Facility, Nurse, On Hold, Other]

    Cancelation Reason

    cancelationComment string

    Possible values: [No Call No Show, Excused Emergency, Refused to Work, No Longer Want to Work With This Clinician]

    Comment about the cancelation
