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Get Facility



Return a single facility data based on the facilityId path param, you'll only be able to fetch the facility's data if you have a Facility Connection in place.


Path Parameters

    facilityId stringrequired

    Id of the facility

    Example: NUR-12345


    data object
    facilityId stringrequired

    Nursa id of the facility

    name stringrequired

    Name of the facility

    type stringrequired

    Type of the facility

    category stringrequired

    Category of the facility

    numberOfBeds numberrequired

    Possible values: <= 999

    Number of beds in the facility

    streetAddress stringrequired

    Street address of the facility

    cityName stringrequired

    Name of the city where the facility is located

    zipCode ##### | #####-####required

    Zip code of the facility

    stateCode stringrequired

    State Abbreviation of the facility in ANSI standard

    county stringrequired

    Name of the county where the facility is located

    contactPhone +1##########required

    Telephone number of the facility

    billingInformation objectrequired
    contactName stringrequired

    Name of the contact

    contactEmail stringrequired

    Email of the contact

    contactPhone +1##########required

    Telephone number of the contact

    specialty object[]required

    Data related to the facility specialty

  • Array [
  • title stringrequired

    Title of the specialty

    description stringrequired

    Description of the Specialty

  • ]
  • websiteUrl string

    Website URL of the facility

    healthCareSystem string

    Healthcare System of the facility
