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Search Facilities



Returns an array of all the facilities registered in the application. Only publicly available information about each facility will be returned through this endpoint.

You can use this endpoint to search for a specific facility to check if it already exists in the application. Instead of using the Request Facility Creation endpoint, you can use the Request Facility Connection endpoint if the facility is found.


Query Parameters

    page number

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Use to paginate the results

    Example: 1
    name string

    Use to filter the search based on the facility name

    Example: Facility Name


    data object[]
  • Array [
  • facilityId stringrequired

    Nursa id of the facility

    name stringrequired

    Name of the facility

    streetAddress stringrequired

    Street address of the facility

    cityName stringrequired

    Name of the city where the facility is located

    zipCode ##### | #####-####required

    Zip code of the facility

    stateCode stringrequired

    State Abbreviation of the facility in ANSI standard

    imageUrl stringrequired

    URL of the facility image

    websiteUrl stringrequired

    Website URL of the facility

  • ]