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Get marketplace shifts



General Information

This endpoint returns shifts for the facilities that user is connected to.


Query Parameters

    limit number

    Possible values: <= 100

    Default value: 10

    Pagination parameter, use to specify the quantity of records returned

    Example: 10
    offset number

    Default value: 0

    Pagination parameter, use to specify the number of records to skip before starting to return results

    Example: 10
    sortDirection string

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    Default value: DESC

    Pagination parameter, use to specify the order of records by creation date, either 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending

    Example: DESC
    facilityId string

    Id of the facility

    Example: NUR-12345
    startDateFrom date-time

    When you provide date-time value, time is ignored and will take the start of the day for the given date (00:00:00). When startDateTo is provided this becomes mandatory

    Example: 2025-02-18T22:44:49.248Z
    startDateTo date-time

    When you provide date-time value, time is ignored and will take end of the day for given date (23:59:59)

    Example: 2025-02-18T22:44:49.248Z
    shiftId string

    Id of the shift

    Example: 5552536398


    data object[]
  • Array [
  • shiftId stringrequired

    Id of the shift

    facilityId stringrequired

    Id of the Facility

    from date-timerequired

    Shift start date

    to date-timerequired

    Shift end date

    licenseType stringrequired

    License Type of the shift

    status stringrequired

    Status of the Shift

    breakTime ISO 8601 duration

    Break Time for the shift

    autoScheduleSettings string[]

    If the facility supports auto-scheduling, you can provide a list of auto-scheduling options.

  • ]
  • meta object
    limit numberrequired

    Number of items returned

    offset numberrequired

    Starting position

    sortDirection objectrequired

    Sorting direction

    total numberrequired

    Total records found
