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Search Shifts



General Information

This endpoint allows you to search for all shifts, including those that are not actively listed in the Nursa Marketplace.

Unlike the Get Marketplace Shifts endpoint, which only returns shifts with the statuses Open, Viewed, Requested, or Scheduled, this endpoint retrieves shifts regardless of their status.

You can use the following query parameters to filter the response:

Query Parameters

startDateISO 8601 DateFilters shifts with a start date between startDate and endDate.
endDateISO 8601 DateFilters shifts with a start date between startDate and endDate.
licenseTypesArray of stringsFilters shifts by license types. Example: ["RN", "CNA"]
facilityIdsArray of stringsFilters shifts by facility IDs. Example: ["P-12345", "P-67890"]
statusesArray of stringsFilters shifts by status. Example: ["Open", "UnfulfilledRequested"]
shiftIdsArray of stringsFilters shifts by shift IDs. Example: ["4765568640", "5552536398"]

Important Notes

  • You must provide either:
    • shiftIds, or
    • Both startDate and endDate.


Query Parameters

    limit number

    Possible values: <= 100

    Default value: 10

    Pagination parameter, use to specify the quantity of records returned

    Example: 10
    offset number

    Default value: 0

    Pagination parameter, use to specify the number of records to skip before starting to return results

    Example: 10
    sortDirection string

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    Default value: DESC

    Pagination parameter, use to specify the order of records by creation date, either 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending

    Example: DESC
    startDate date-time

    When you provide date-time value, time is ignored and will take the start of the day for the given date (00:00:00)

    Example: 2025-02-18T22:44:56.166Z
    endDate date-time

    When you provide date-time value, time is ignored and will take the start of the day for the given date (00:00:00)

    Example: 2025-02-18T22:44:56.166Z
    licenseTypes string

    License Type of the shift

    Example: RN
    facilityIds string

    Id of the facility

    Example: NUR-1660331570
    statuses string

    Status of the Shift

    Example: UnfulfilledRequested
    shiftIds string

    Id of the shift

    Example: 5552536398


    data object[]
  • Array [
  • shiftId stringrequired

    Id of the shift

    facilityId stringrequired

    Id of the facility

    from date-timerequired

    When you provide date-time value, time is ignored and will take the start of the day for the given date (00:00:00)

    to date-timerequired

    When you provide date-time value, time is ignored and will take the start of the day for the given date (00:00:00)

    licenseType stringrequired

    License Type of the shift

    status stringrequired

    Status of the Shift

    breakTime ISO 8601 duration

    Break Time for the shift

    billRatePerHour numberrequired

    Price per hour

    autoSchedulingEnabled booleanrequired

    If auto scheduling is enabled for this shift

    timekeepingAutomated booleanrequired

    If timekeeping automation is enabled for this shift

  • ]
  • meta object
    limit numberrequired

    Number of items returned

    offset numberrequired

    Starting position

    sortDirection objectrequired

    Sorting direction

    total numberrequired

    Total records found
