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Get shift reports



General Information

Returns all the shift reports belonging to the Shift

Users can also create a Webhook in our system to receive notifications whenever a new shift report is created.


Path Parameters

    shiftId stringrequired

    Nursa ShiftId

    Example: 8222234296


    data object[]
  • Array [
  • from date-timerequired

    Shift start date

    to date-timerequired

    Shift end date

    cancelationReason string

    Possible values: [Facility, Nurse, On Hold, Other]

    Cancelation Reason

    cancelationComment string

    Possible values: [No Call No Show, Excused Emergency, Refused to Work, No Longer Want to Work With This Clinician]

    Comment about the cancelation

    comment stringrequired

    Comment of the shift

    bonus numberrequired

    Bonus to be paid to Clinician

    reportType stringrequired

    Possible values: [Nurse, Facility, Admin, AdminBilling]

    Type of the report

    breakTime ISO 8601 duration

    Break Time for the shift

    updateDate date-timerequired

    The date the shift was last updated

    totalAmount numberrequired

    Total price

  • ]