Request Facility Creation
This endpoint allows users to request a facility to be created in our application. Once the request is submitted, a Nursa employee will review and either accept or reject the request.
If the request is accepted the connection between the user and the facility will be created automatically Therefore, there is no need to Request a Facility Connection for the user who created the facility.
Users can also create a Webhook in our system to receive notifications when the facility creation request is accepted or rejected.
- application/json
Name of the facility
Type of the facility
Category of the facility
Possible values: <= 999
Number of beds in the facility
Street address of the facility
Name of the city where the facility is located
Zip code of the facility
State Abbreviation of the facility in ANSI standard
Name of the county where the facility is located
Telephone number of the facility
billingInformation objectrequired
Name of the contact
Email of the contact
Telephone number of the contact
Name of the facility specialty
Website URL of the facility
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
data object
Id of the Facility Creation Request
Name of the facility
Type of the facility
Category of the facility
Possible values: <= 999
Number of beds in the facility
Street address of the facility
Name of the city where the facility is located
Zip code of the facility
State Abbreviation of the facility in ANSI standard
Name of the county where the facility is located
Telephone number of the facility
billingInformation objectrequired
Name of the contact
Email of the contact
Telephone number of the contact
Name of the facility specialty
Website URL of the facility
"data": {
"requestId": "58e213b8-8fc7-4879-a06e-7c75782f6d05",
"name": "Facility name",
"type": "Long Term Care",
"category": "Assisted Living",
"numberOfBeds": 0,
"streetAddress": "string",
"cityName": "1108 Ross Clark Cir",
"zipCode": "12345",
"stateCode": "AL",
"county": "Houston County",
"contactPhone": "+11234567890",
"billingInformation": {
"contactName": "John Doe",
"contactEmail": "",
"contactPhone": "+11234567890"
"specialty": "string",
"websiteUrl": "string"
Bad request
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Request Validation
Error description
The type of error
Status code of the error
"message": [
"Property must be a string"
"error": "Bad Request",
"statusCode": 400
Request Validation Error
"message": [
"name must be a string",
"type must be a string",
"category must be a string",
"numberOfBeds must not be greater than 999",
"numberOfBeds must not be less than 0",
"numberOfBeds must be an integer number",
"streetAddress must be a string",
"cityName must be a string",
"zipCode must be a string",
"stateCode must be a string",
"county must be a string",
"contactPhone must be a string",
"contactName must be a string",
"contactName should not be empty",
"contactEmail must be an email",
"contactEmail should not be empty",
"contactPhone must be a string",
"contactPhone should not be empty",
"specialty must be a string",
"websiteUrl must be a URL address"
"error": "Bad Request",
"statusCode": 400
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Error description
Status code of the error
"message": "Unauthorized",
"statusCode": 401
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Error description
The type of error
Status code of the error
"message": "Forbidden Resource",
"error": "Forbidden",
"statusCode": 403
Not Found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Specialty Not Found
Error description
The type of error
Status code of the error
"message": "Not Found",
"error": "Not Found",
"statusCode": 404
Specialty was not found
"message": "Specialty Wound Care not found",
"error": "Not Found",
"statusCode": 404