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Cancel clinician's shift report



General Information

Cancel the Clinician's shift report

If the clinician didn't work the shift, you can cancel it. After the cancel shift report is sent, the status of the shift will be changed to Didn't Work

Additionally, if the cancellationComment chosen was No Longer Want to Work With This Clinician, the clinician will be blocked from making future shift requests to the facility where the shift was scheduled.


Path Parameters

    shiftId stringrequired

    Nursa ShiftId

    Example: 8222234296


    cancellationComment stringrequired

    Possible values: [No Call No Show, Excused Emergency, Refused to Work, No Longer Want to Work With This Clinician]

    Reason why the shift was canceled or the clinician was not able to complete the shift

    comment string

    General comment or feedback about the shift itself, including any incidents, issues, or noteworthy aspects


Empty Response
