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Schedule clinician to a shift



Schedule a clinician to a shift.

After a shift is created, and a clinician requests it, you can use the Get requested shifts endpoint to check the clinicians who requested to work the shift. Additionally, you can Download the Clinician Profile to help you choose which clinician best fits the shift.

Users can also create a Webhook in our system to receive notifications when the a clinician requests to work a shift.



    shiftId stringrequired

    Id of the shift

    clinicianId stringrequired

    Id of the clinician


    data object
    facilityId stringrequired

    Id of the Facility

    shiftId stringrequired

    Id of the shift

    from date-timerequired

    Shift start date

    to date-timerequired

    Shift end date

    licenseType stringrequired

    License Type of the shift

    clinician objectrequired
    id stringrequired

    Id of the clinician

    firstName stringrequired

    First name of the clinician

    lastName stringrequired

    Last name of the clinician

    contactEmail stringrequired

    Email of the clinician

    contactPhone +1##########required

    Contact Phone of the clinician

    scheduledBy string

    Id of the user that scheduled the shift

    breakTime ISO 8601 duration

    Break Time for the shift
