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Create User Webhook



We strongly recommend you set up webhooks for better and easier integration.

Creates a new User webhook. Use this endpoint to register a new webhook by specifying the URL and the events you want to subscribe to.

With User Webhook you'll ne notified whenever a facility creation or connection request is either accepted or rejected.



    url stringrequired

    The URL that will be called when an event is triggered.

    events string[]required

    Possible values: [all, facility.user-connection.accepted, facility.user-connection.rejected, facility.creation.accepted, facility.creation.rejected]

    The events that this webhook will listen to.

    secrets string[]required
      The secrets that will be used to verify the authenticity of the webhook.
    If no value is provided it will auto generate a secret.
    Secrets are used to sign and validate the payload of the webhook.
    It will accept 2 secrets to allow a rotation strategy without service downtime.


    data object
    id stringrequired

    If of the Webhook

    url stringrequired

    Url of the Webhook

    events string[]required

    Possible values: [all, facility.user-connection.accepted, facility.user-connection.rejected, facility.creation.accepted, facility.creation.rejected]

    List of events that this webhook will listen to

    clientId stringrequired
    secrets string[]required

    List of webhook secrets
