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Update User Webhook



Updates an existing user webhook. This endpoint allows you to modify the URL, events, or other settings of an already registered user webhook.


Path Parameters

    webhookId stringrequired

    Webhook id

    Example: d67b3423-14e1-4a77-9472-295de76030a4


    url string

    The URL that will be called when an event is triggered.

    events string[]required

    Possible values: [all, facility.user-connection.accepted, facility.user-connection.rejected, facility.creation.accepted, facility.creation.rejected]

    The events that this webhook will listen to.

    secrets string[]
      The secrets that will be used to verify the authenticity of the webhook.
    If no value is provided it will auto generate a secret.
    Secrets are used to sign and validate the payload of the webhook.
    It will accept 2 secrets to allow a rotation strategy without service downtime.


    data object
    id stringrequired

    If of the Webhook

    url stringrequired

    Url of the Webhook

    events string[]required

    Possible values: [all, facility.user-connection.accepted, facility.user-connection.rejected, facility.creation.accepted, facility.creation.rejected]

    List of events that this webhook will listen to

    clientId stringrequired
    secrets string[]required

    List of webhook secrets
